About Global Hosting Service

Best Service | Satisfied Customers | Secured Hosting

It is only obvious that you would like to know how opting for web hosting with Global Hosting Service would benefit you especially, given that there are hundreds of other options to choose from. You will be pleased to know that there are several such reasons that we can offer. Out hosting service is unique because of the standard of care we provide our customers with. Here are a few of our distinguishing features.

Advanced Control Panel

The cPanels offered by GHS have very high stability and are laden with the latest website building features and tools that make building your own website a breeze. Not all hosting providers offer you such advanced control panels.

99.99% Uptime!

This is a unique feature which guarantees that you will have the maximum possible uptime for your website. What this ensures is that there will be no customer left behind, and that everyone clicking on your website’s URL will find a fully functional page.

DDOS Protection

This is a security measure that all websites of the service hosting in Pakistan are offered with to ensure safe web hosting.

  • Secured
  • Satisfied Customers
  • Domain Registration
  • Customer Support
  • 24/7
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